Friday, August 8, 2008

My Little Booger

Okay, I don't even know how to start this blog except with this picture:

If it isn't bad enough that we have cloned sheep, cows, and horses, we are now cloning dogs. As if there aren't enough dogs in this world already. Anyone who has ever watched The Price Is Right knows that you need to have your pet spayed or neutered to help control the pet population, so why are we cloning animals that we have an overabundance of, that we build homeless shelters for, and that run around starving? Take a look at that picture again. It's because of crazy people like Bernann McKinney who loved her dog so much that she sold her house and traveled to Seoul, South Korea to clone it not once, not twice, but 5 times. Not to mention that her dog's name was Booger. I had a cat named Booger, and I'm not ashamed of it, but lady, you are nuts! My brother named that cat as a joke. She wants to build a place to train dogs or something like that and call it "Booger's Place" in honor of her dead dog.

Then, she tells us that it is a miracle from God that she has these puppies. God gave them to her.

And here is what she said, "I dream of the day when everyone can afford to clone their pet because losing a pet is a terrible, terrible loss."

I am just at a loss for words about what I think about this. Can you help me out? What is it I need to say? I am still in shock from this story. You can watch the 5 minute video from the MSN homepage or following this link.

I just don't have the words...


Matthew Ware said...

I think this is the epitome of narcissism. Okay you loved your dog. Go get one from the shelter of the same breed. Cloning only duplicates the physical material. The mental make up will develop uniquely. You don't have your dog back, you just have one that looks like it. Again, you could have done that a lot cheaper at the shelter.

And what happened to being able to let go. It's like this woman is incapable of mourning and moving on. I hope she's not married. Or has kids.

WhiteEyebrows said...

I've said my peace here...

Rhia Jean said...

No, doesn't have a family. She is reportedly a sex offender/kidnapper from the 70s. Creeeeeeeeeeepy!!!!!!

Emily Anne said...

I have had pets that I have enjoyed. I even have cried over pets. However, I got over it, moved on, and lived my life. I'm positive I would never want to clone my pet. I'll just get a new one.

Some people are just crazy. Insanity makes the world go round.

K2 said...

she kidnapped an LDS missionary she dated before his mission and she stalked the Osmonds. She has issues.

Maigen said...

Yeah, as many poor little pups as there are being euthanized every day, and she just couldn't find it in her heart to love one of them... NO, she had to spend what I assume was thousands of dollars to make a fake dog. I feel bad for it, and for all the other puppies, but not for her.

Alison said...

That woman is obviously psychotic. What the?? Who clones their dog not once, but FIVE times? Stupid. The video was a bizarre, but that article about her possibly being that sex offender disturbed me even more. Of course she had to be obsessed with a Mormon missionary (as if we don’t get enough press in weird stories to begin with). Disgusting. :P
P.S. That picture is horrific greatness.

Emily Anne said...

Ummm... she sold her house to pay for her five cloned dogs. Crazy!

Matthew Ware said...

So she's a missionary kidnapping, sex offending, Osmond stalking nut job and the story is about her cloning her dogs? I would think stalking the Osmonds would trump that for sure.

Amber said...

i thought you were all kidding about her being a sex offender and mormon kidnapper - but then i read the article.

what a wacko! but hey, at least she has those dogs that god sent to save her - probably from committing more sex crimes :o