Monday, February 23, 2009

Did I Mention...?

...that I hate Britney Spears? I mean seriously hate her. Okay, maybe not her personally since I don't know her personally but maybe just everything she stands for. Hmmm...that sounds like the same thing doesn't it?

Regardless, here are my reasons for my intense feelings toward Skanky Spears:

1) Every single song of hers I have ever heard is about sex. The older she gets, the more explicit they get.

2) Watching her videos is like watching porn. Not that I would know what watching porn is like but I know the definition of porn and that is what I see when I watch a Skanky Spears video.

3) She can't sing. It's just moaning. If she does know how to sing, nobody knows because she groans and moans through every one of her "songs".

4) Everyone is so complacent about her lack of moral values. Her most recent song doesn't say the F-bomb as it's title, it spells that makes it okay right? And you know as long as you don't actually call it masturbation, it's okay too. We'll just describe it.

5) How'd you grow your hair back so fast Skanky? Not even a year ago you had a completely shaved bald head.

6) Girlfriend is messed up! She's got some serious crazy/psycho issues that were going on and all anybody did was feed the fire by plastering her issues all over the TV, internet, and radio. Now all of a sudden she's fine and back to doing the same old things she did before she got knocked up. Seriously Skanko, grow up and deal with your issues. Don't hide behind your sluttiness. Take a lesson from Madonna at least. I don't care if you suddenly adopt a British accent and think you are better than everyone else. When Madonna quit the pointy boob phase, she quit.

And that's all I can think of for now. Anyone else wanna take a jab?


Kristen said...

Her feet smell like Exxon and Cheetos...

Tamara said...

Plus, she has cooties.

Allie said...

Lol this makes me laugh, i agree but I also don't think Mads is a role model either... I mean seriously.. and are you ready for something that will bring on the haters, I don't like her music either:D But its a personal opinion....

Marisa said...

She has more than cooties... Amen to your post, Ms. Rhia Jean!